For shipbuilding and
repair companies
Shipbuilding is an undiscovered or underdeveloped field in Lithuania, so only the best professionals are working in the field.
More about Dimetris
This sector is very similar to the building construction sector, but has some key differences, such as 99% of the work being carried out on secondments, very tight contract deadlines, multilingualism and complex drawings. All things considered, not every company is willing to fight in a tough international competitive arena. The field is also characterised by extraordinary dynamics, where decisions often have to be made with lightning speed and precision.
We know the area and understand the “pain” of these companies. Dimetris developers have been involved in cruise ship tenders (partial works) on several occasions, so we are well aware of the kind of incomplete drawings contractors receive. However, we have not yet understood how you manage not to miscalculate what is impossible to calculate. We are now convinced that we have found a solution to your problems and have developed the Dimetris tool to help you easily navigate the complex maze of ship drawings.
Technological solution
The Dimetris tool works with PDF drawings, which you simply upload into the software. Be sure to set a scale dimension (usually found on a ship drawing) and calculate everything you want to know without any hassle, just by doing the plot/measure function. The program will easily help you to organise the calculation data according to the different types of staterooms; bulkheads, floors or ceilings by finish. You can easily organise the material quantity information for the entire ship’s floor and, once it has been systematised, calculate the cost of the installation work even more easily.
If a company uses its own specific pricing, it can be easily transferred to the Dimetris database and used for costing. In other words, once you have made a measurement on a drawing, the result is a quantity and an estimate.
Another problem that Dimetris will help to solve is the issue of staff training. We know that it is quite difficult to find professional estimators on the market who have the experience or skills to calculate shipbuilding estimates. With our solution, training is practically unnecessary, because everything is very simple and the database of rates you have created will be used by new employees.
Because Dimetris works wherever the internet is available, it’s easy to connect to it on a desktop computer, tablet or other device. So it’s easy to communicate with your customer wherever you meet. This means you can make decisions and provide answers to your prospective customers even faster.
Try it for free
The Dimetris app helps you calculate the quantity of materials needed up to 10 times faster