Dimetris is
unique tool for calculating material quantities

Dimetris helps you calculate the amount of materials needed for a construction project up to 10 times faster.

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No need for a CAD drawingOnly one photo required Only one dimension required
  • Speed
  • Efficiency
  • Adaptability
  • Longevity

Who is Dimetris, the programme for calculating estimates
and quantities

Dimetris helps you to calculate the amount of materials needed for a construction project up to 10 times faster and easily generate estimates. Moreover, it can be used even when no design drawing is available. It only needs a photo and a single dimension to help determine the scale, and uses an internal database to generate the estimate.

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The value of Dimetris – working more efficiently

By mastering the extremely simple Dimetris software, you will be able to provide material quantities and estimates for your projects several times faster and more efficiently


Increase the speed of your work with simultaneous calculation of quantities and detailed estimates. Dimetris is most useful for companies that receive a large number of requests for commercial proposals, so speed of response is essential.


Once you have made all the necessary calculations, you will export the estimates to an excel format with automatic formulas.


Dimetris hosts a huge database of construction rates (wages, materials and machinery). However, if a company has a specific need for rates or a different pricing approach than the base pricing, the company can adjust or create its own automated rate database.


Don’t have a “working” dwg or similar file and can’t do the quantity calculations? No problem, because Dimetris is designed to work with PDF or scanned PDF files or even photographs. You only need to specify one dimension and you can easily calculate all the dimensions or quantities you need for your drawing.

Functions of the Dimetris app

Dimetris, which has no analogues in Lithuania, has been developed to enable representatives of different sectors to calculate the quantities of construction materials required and to calculate their estimates more efficiently.

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Choose the best plan for you

Plan10 days

10 days free

0 €

(10 days)

What’s included?

  • Free trial for 10 days
  • Full version of the programme
  • Standard Fee Database
  • Create your own database of rates
  • All programme modules
  • Video lessons
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Single subscription
for one month

39 €


What’s included?

  • Full version of the programme
  • Standard fee database
  • Create your own database of rates
  • All programme modules
  • Video lessons
  • Additional consultations on request
  • One user
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** price is without VAT

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